American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

AYSO Adult League 5043

League Guidelines


These Guidelines have been adopted by the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO) adult league charter AYSO 5043 adopted by the founding members outlining the intent and purpose of the league and to govern the league as an organization and steer its operation.

Vision, Mission and Philosophy

AYSO 5043 was formed in 2008 for the active registered Volunteers of Region 2 and Area 1C. It is a recreational soccer league to promote friendly competition and to build friendships within the Region.

Enrich the quality of life in our communities through adult soccer programs conducted in a safe, fair and fun environment.

To benefit and support AYSO by developing youth and community through soccer programs for adults, educating and training adults in both soccer and youth development so they may become youth coaches, referees and volunteers, and providing financial support to local soccer programs.

Create a soccer playing environment for adults following the 6 core philosophies developed by AYSO.  The AYSO Mission is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on the AYSO philosophies:

Everyone Plays - Our Region’s goal is for kids to play soccer¾so we mandate that every player on every team must play at least half of every game.

Balanced Teams - Each year we form new teams as evenly balanced as possible¾because it is fair and more fun when teams of equal ability play.

Open Registration - Our program is open to all AYSO Region 2 and Area 1C volunteers 20 years and older who want to register and play soccer. Interest and enthusiasm are the only criteria for playing.

Positive Coaching - Encouragement of player effort provides for greater enjoyment by the players and ultimately leads to better-skilled and better-motivated players.

Good Sportsmanship - We strive to create a safe, fair, fun and positive environment based on mutual respect, rather than a win-at-all-costs attitude, and our program is designed to instill good sportsmanship in every facet of AYSO.

Player Development - We believe that all players should be able to develop their soccer skills and knowledge to the best of their abilities, both individually and as members of a team, in order to maximize their enjoyment of the game.

Duties and Responsibilities of the League

  1.   To maintain good community relations with AYSO Region 2 and become involved in youth development and other community activities.
  2.   To register players using the system decided on by the league administration.
  3.   To assign players and managers to assure proper balance of teams within the League.
  4.   To obtain and maintain safe playing facilities.
  5.   To obtain and be accountable for uniforms, balls, goals and other equipment and to use such equipment in a safe manner.
  6.   To schedule league games and end of season tournament.
  7.   To disseminate information to the participants, concerning the League and its programs.
  8.   To recognize volunteer efforts.
  9.   To hold periodic meetings of the League Board and disseminate to the participants, appropriate information concerning the operation of the       League by the Board.
  10.   To comply with AYSO policies and procedures relating to financial matters; including:
    1. to publish for the League and for the files at the National Office, and make available to the participants at least annually, financial statements of the League and guidelines for the operation of the League approved by Standard Regional Guidelines as are in effect from time to time;
    2. to collect and disburse fees and other monies ensuring the sound financial organization and operation of the League, to keep and submit to the National Office as required, accurate financial records to insure continuation of the tax-exempt status of AYSO;
    3. to participate in the National Accounting Program if and when required.
    4. to pay the National Office the national player fee and all amounts due with respect to the Leagues purchases from the National Office within the payment guidelines established by the national treasurer.
  11.  To elect or appoint, at a minimum, a League President, , Treasurer, Risk Manager/Safety director, Referee Administrator, Registrar. At least        one board member must be of the opposite sex.
  12.  To comply with the Soccer Accident Insurance (SAI) plan and to submit insurance claims according to current procedures.
  13.  To notify the National Office immediately of any potential or actual financial irregularities or losses or any threatened or actual claim or lawsuit    against the League, its participants, or AYSO.
  14.  To cooperate with neighboring Regions and Area, Section and development personnel, to promote growth, development and cooperation    throughout AYSO.
  15.  To cooperate in policies and procedures developed by the Board or the National Office with respect to requiring each coach, referee, and other  designated volunteers to complete a volunteer form, and with respect to verifying the information obtained, before permitting the coach, referee  or such volunteer to participate.

Membership in the League

1.  There shall be three kinds of members in the League:

If the League is a Charter League the board will consist of: 
President, Treasurer, Safety Director, Referee Administrator and Registrar. All of which have to be members of an AYSO Region.

All Managers and Team Captains and any other positions that are required to assist the board, all approved by the League Board, who exhibit a sincere interest in soccer and who have become registered as a participating player pursuant to the Rules & Regulations of the Organization.
All players and referees who are registered volunteers of AYSO and hold active positions in Region 2 or Area 1C regions,

HONORARY MEMBERS: Members of the Adult League (AYSO 5043) to whom the executive board grants lifetime membership as a gratitude for their contribution to Region 2. These members will be grandfathered into the program.  A grandfathered member has to fulfill at least two out of the three criteria listed below.  
A grandfathered member
has to have been an active volunteer of Region 2 at minimum for 5 years.
has to have served on Region 2 Board for minimum of 5 years.
has children who have graduated out of Region 2 program because of age.

2.  No one will be considered a participating member or a playing member unless and until an application is submitted to the League using the appropriate forms prescribed by AYSO and the application is accepted and entered into the AYSO business system by the League.

3.  The names, addresses and telephone number of all members of the League, as well as the information contained in the AYSO Executive Member Directory or any League database are private and confidential. Such information and mailing lists or access to any League database may not be disclosed or distributed to anyone, including any vendor or sponsor, without the prior written approval of the national executive director.

Management of the League
1.  League President

  • The League President, with the support and assistance of the League Board, shall conduct the business and affairs of the League.
  •  The League President shall serve a term of three years, The League President may serve multiple terms so long as he or she is nominated and appointed as indicated below.
    •  It is the general policy of the League that the League President will or have been an Active volunteer in AYSO Region 2 before being eligible for the position.
    • The League President shall act in all other ways to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.


Upon the creation of the League the League President shall appoint the initial League Board to serve until the next scheduled board meeting, at which time nominations and voting for board positions will take place.

(a)    The League Board shall be comprised as described in Membership in the League.

(b)    League Board members shall serve a one year term or until the next annual meeting to be held in August each year.


The President will set a calendar with league meeting dates for each year and send notice of such annual meeting to all participants in the program.


At least three months before the expiration of the League Presidents term, or whenever there is a vacancy in the League President position due to death, resignation or removal, the League Board shall elect a new League President.


No board member or any other participant in the League shall receive monetary or other compensation for his/her services to the League, nor may he/she use his/her position to benefit him/her directly or indirectly in any other way, such as a supplier of equipment or camp programs to the League.  Nothing in this paragraph prohibits any League Board or staff member, or League volunteer, from being reimbursed for his or her out-of-pocket expenses incurred for work on behalf of the League with the approval of the League Board.

Information about the Program

1.  Team Assignments

(a)    Teams shall be formed at a DRAFT NIGHT where all Team Managers and Team Captains will be present as well as League President and other board members.

(b)    Team assignments of players shall be made by those persons delegated such task by the League Board.

(c)    Retention of players on any team shall be limited to the Manager and Team Captain. Otherwise there shall be no automatic retention of players on any specific team or with any specific coach from the previous season.

(d)    Every attempt shall be made to balance the skill level of teams within each Team.

(e)    Once teams are formed, no transfer of any player from one team to another may be made without the approval of the coaches of both teams involved, and the League President.

3.    Registration Fees; Refunds

(a)    The registration fee for each player participant shall be fixed annually by the League Board. .

(b)    The League Board may by specific grant or scholarship, and, waive such registration in whole or in part with respect to any participant if such fee would create a hardship for such participant.

(c)    Any player who withdraws from the program shall be entitled to a refund of such registration fee. In exceptional circumstances, the cost of the uniform (if it cannot be reused) or other specific non-recoverable costs may be deducted from the refund.

4.    Eligibility

All registered and active volunteers of an AYSO Region 2 or Area 1C ages of 20 and older based on their age as of July 31 of the year in which the membership year begins, shall be eligible to register for the program, subject to field availability, volunteer support, League operating regulations, and such rules as may be issued by the League Board.  It is the duty of the League to assure that only eligible players are permitted to register and play.

5.    Length of Season and Cancellation of Games

(a)    The length of any playing season during the year shall be of such duration as determined by the League Board, and as set forth in the League calendar attached to these guidelines.

(b)    Inclement weather or poor field conditions may necessitate from time to time the postponing or canceling of games. Any such postponement or cancellation will be made at the discretion of the League President or the League safety director as early as practical before game time.

(c)    Once the game begins, only the referee in charge of the particular soccer field may suspend or cancel the game, except that the League President or designate may suspend or cancel games due to inclement weather or other conditions that may warrant such action.

6.    Attendance and Participation

Every player shall be entitled to play at least half of every game. Moreover, it is the policy of the League to encourage each manager and captain to (i) play each player at least three quarters of every game, whenever possible, and (ii) to allow different players to start the first quarter of each game.

7.   Protests

(a)    No protest of games shall be permitted.

(b)    However, coaches are encouraged to file with the League Referee Administrator a written report within 48 hours after a game of any misapplication by a game referee of the Laws of the Game or rules and regulations. This procedure shall not be used as a means of complaining about or criticizing any judgment call of a referee or assistant referee.

(c)    If, after investigation by the League Referee Administrator, it is found that a law, rule, or regulation was misapplied, such referee shall be so informed in order to ensure that no further misapplication occurs.

8.   Conduct during Games: 

Standards of conduct and good sportsmanship must be maintained at all times by players, coaches, referees, spectators and all other participants.

(a)    Offensive, insulting or abusive language is forbidden.

(b)    The use of alcohol, tobacco products, or illegal drugs in the vicinity of the playing field during practices or games is strictly forbidden.

(c)    All participants must wear the official uniforms, issued by the league for all games and dress in them in a neat, clean manner.

(d)    The use of shin guards is required at all games.

(e)    Managers and Captains are expected to be positive role models and set the best possible example for the participants. Excessive coaching from the sidelines shall not be permitted, and the function of the coach is to provide positive instruction and encouragement to the players

(f)     Spectators at games must remain behind the spectator control line (three yards from the sideline) and between the penalty Areas and their vocal efforts should be limited to positive compliments to the participants. Spectators are expected at all times to act positively around players and to demonstrate respect for opponents, officials, and all other volunteers. Under no circumstances should they attempt to coach or address remarks derogatory to players, coaches or the referee.

(g)    At the end of the game, the players on each team shall line up and shake hands with the players of the opposing team and thank the referee and assistant referees.

(h)    Discipline shall be up to the referee at each game. The referee shall have the power and authority to caution and send off players and warn and expel coaches (as well as spectators, in the case of outside interference) from the playing Area, or terminate the match if necessary, if their conduct violates the Laws of the Game, these guidelines or otherwise interferes with the course of play. No appeal of disciplinary action taken by a referee shall be allowed.

(i)     A player who is sent off for violation of the Laws of the Game shall be suspended for the duration of that game and shall not participate in the team’s next scheduled game.  A player who is cautioned or sent off may be subject to additional disciplinary action (e.g., consequence set forth in the league Rules of Play) and at the discretion of the League. A manager or team captain or spectator who is warned or expelled from the field may also be subject to similar or additional disciplinary action at the discretion of the League Board upon thorough review of the incident.

9.  Facilities

(a)    It shall be the responsibility of the league to secure facilities for the league.

(b)    Each field shall be lined under the direction of the League President and/or the director of playing fields, and each group of fields shall be provided with a first aid kit.

(c)    No trash should be left at the facility except in designated containers. Parking shall be limited to those Areas designated at the fields.

10.  Equipment

(a)    The League shall make arrangements to supply each player with a jersey, a pair of socks.

(b)    Each player is expected to provide his/her own appropriate footwear and shin guards. No player may participate in a game without such shirt, socks, shorts, appropriate footwear and shin guards. 

(c)    Players may not wear jewelry of any kind (including chains, watches, body jewelry and earrings), bandanas or other ornamentation or anything else that may, in the opinion of the referee, create an increased risk of injury to himself or herself or to other players during the game. 

(d)    Medical information bracelets should not be removed, but can be covered with a soft wrist band or temporarily modified to fit more snugly. 

(e)    Prescription eyeglasses may be worn, but must remain firmly on the wearer’s head. A restraining strap may be worn. Non-prescription eyeglasses and sunglasses are not permitted to be worn by a player during a game.

(f)     Hard casts (including padded casts), splints, helmets and hard padding are not permitted to be worn by a player during any game.

Financial Banking and Related Matters

1.    Budget and Financial Statement

(a)    The League Board shall adopt an annual budget which provides the basis for setting player registration fees.

(b)    At the end of each season, the League Board shall cause to be prepared a statement of income received and amounts expended in connection with the program. Such statement shall be made available for review by all participants upon request.

2.    Account Signatories

(a)    All checks drawn on any bank account maintained by the League shall bear two signatures, one of which must either be the League treasurer’s or the League President.

(b)    Additional signatories must be authorized by League Board action.

(c)    Two signatories from the same household shall not be allowed. 

(d)    There must be at least three signatories on all League bank accounts. 

3.  Transfer of Funds

(a)    All funds received by the League, whether from fees, gifts or otherwise, must be deposited into the League’s checking account,

(b)    All expenses and disbursements must be paid out of the League’s checking account.

(c)    No League expenses or reimbursements are to be paid from monies collected which have not first been deposited into, and accounted for within, the League checking account.

(a)    The League’s Treasurer must be notified of any checks written on the League’s bank account without his or her knowledge within 48 hours of the issuance or delivery of such check for payment of any League expense.

(b)    All bank withdrawal transactions and League checks shall be noted with the appropriate National Accounting Program (NAP) code denoting the purpose for such transaction

4.  Immediate Deposit Procedures

The League Treasurer in cooperation with other League Board and staff members shall establish internal control procedures to safeguard against the misuse or loss of League assets, especially in regard to the immediate deposit of monies received. Such internal control procedures shall include the following:

(a)    All fees collected on behalf of the League for registration, sponsorships, fundraising, and donations or for any other purposes shall be deposited immediately after being reconciled with the appropriate cash receipt book, registration form, and/or bank deposit slips.

Changes in Guidelines

1.  Approval of Guidelines

These guidelines shall become effective after being approved by the League President and the existing League Board.

2.  Change in Guidelines

Once adopted, these Guidelines may only be amended. by the League Board by a 2/3 vote of the League Board members, with the approval of the League 


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AYSO Adult League 5043

Monrovia, California 91016

Email Us: [email protected]
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